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From theft to drone flights - around 180 crimes during the European Championships

The police in Leipzig, the venue for the European Championships, have had a positive experience of the tournament so far. Nevertheless, they have already registered a number of criminal offenses.

Peaceful, but not without crime - the European Football Championship in Leipzig.
Peaceful, but not without crime - the European Football Championship in Leipzig.

Police balance sheet - From theft to drone flights - around 180 crimes during the European Championships

The four EM (European Championship) match days in Leipzig are over and the police have drawn a positive conclusion overall. however, more than 180 offenses have been registered in connection with the European Championship. The number will continue to rise, as not all cases involving pyrotechnics have been evaluated yet, a spokeswoman stated in response to a query. In addition, the Fanfest on Augustusplatz is still running.

The registered offenses range from assault to theft, all the way to prohibited drone flights in the stadium's flight restriction zone. In the case of the latter, investigations are being conducted against the drone pilots for violations of the Air Traffic Act. Cases of hate speech and use of emblems of unconstitutional organizations have also been reported.

Two people have been arrested - in one case for robbery and in another case for an open arrest warrant. At each match day, up to 2000 police officers were in action in Leipzig. In addition, support forces came from every nation that was a guest in Leipzig.

The European Championship in Leipzig concluded with over 180 registered offenses, including crime categories such as assault, theft, and prohibited drone flights within the stadium's restricted zone. The police are currently investigating the drone pilots for violating the Air Traffic Act. Despite the concluded EM matches, the Fanfest on Augustusplatz is still ongoing. Two individuals were arrested – one for robbery and another for an outstanding warrant – among the thousands of officers and support forces maintaining law and order throughout the event.

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