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From the criminal investigation department to the justice system with a click - electronic criminal files

The justice system is to gradually become more digital. To this end, the electronic criminal file is now being rolled out further. Several public prosecutor's offices are now involved.

The electronic criminal file is gradually being rolled out in Baden-Württemberg.
The electronic criminal file is gradually being rolled out in Baden-Württemberg.

Justice - From the criminal investigation department to the justice system with a click - electronic criminal files

Mountains of paper, time-consuming copying - this is still a widespread part of the routine for police and prosecution offices in investigative and judicial proceedings. The police in Mannheim and prosecution offices in Mannheim and Heidelberg are now turning to the electronic case file to make procedures more effective and faster, as the Justice Ministry in Stuttgart announced. Once the case is digitized, the file is automatically forwarded electronically to the competent district court. The data is transmitted through the Landesverwaltungsnetz, which is not connected to the internet.

Justice Minister Marion Gentges (CDU) said she was pleased that the prosecution offices in Heidelberg and Mannheim were now among the next authorities to work with the electronic case file in Ulm. "That means, in a wink, goodbye to the Baden-Württemberg case tangle. With a nod, one can also say: Digitalization brings Baden-Württemberg even closer together again." With the advance of electronic files, the Baden-Württemberg case binding will become extinct. It works like when tying a shoelace: with one or two grips, a loop is formed, thread is pulled through - and there's the Baden-Württemberg case knot.

In Ulm, about 19,500 proceedings have been electronically conducted so far. A nationwide unique pilot project in the penal field started in Ulm at the beginning of 2022. The electronic case file will be mandatory from the beginning of 2026. In Baden-Württemberg, over 7,800 users are working with the electronic case file at 158 courts and prosecution offices. Since November of the previous year, it has been introduced at all courts in the state except for the penal law department and the enforcement of movable assets. Therefore, the justice system in the southwest is leading the way nationwide in the introduction of the electronic case file, the ministry added.

  1. The police administration in Mannheim is also contemplating the adoption of the electronic case file to streamline their operations, following the lead set by the Mannheim prosecution offices and the announcement from the Ministry of Justice in Stuttgart.
  2. The CID in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg, has already seen a significant reduction in paperwork and time-consuming procedures due to the implementation of the electronic case file, which has been in use since the beginning of 2022.
  3. The digitalization of the case file system has led to improved inter-agency communication, as evidenced by the automatic electronic forwarding of cases from Heidelberg and Mannheim prosecution offices to the local courts in Mannheim, Ulm, and other parts of Baden-Württemberg.
  4. In response to the success of the electronic case file in Baden-Württemberg, the Ministry of Justice in Stuttgart has encouraged police departments across the region, including those in Mannheim and Heidelberg, to consider integrating this system into their operations to improve efficiency and promote justice.
  5. The implementation of the electronic case file has received support from various levels of the justice system in Baden-Württemberg, including the Ministry of Justice in Stuttgart, local prosecution offices in cities like Mannheim and Heidelberg, and even the police administration in Ulm and Mannheim, paving the way for a more digitalized justice system in the region.

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