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Frieda and Matteo are the most popular first names in MV in 2023

If you like first names that have long been out of fashion, you should take inspiration from the list of the most popular first names in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern when choosing a name for your newborn child. One boy's name from there has already made it to the top nationwide.

In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.
In one classroom, trays are labeled with the students' first names.

While Emilia and Noah are once again at the top of the list of the most popular first names nationwide, completely different names have prevailed in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. These are Frieda and Matteo, according to the ranking published on Friday by name expert Knud Bielefeld, which is available to the German Press Agency. The other girls' names Mathilda, Lilly, Ella and Emma are in second place. The boys' names are Noah, Emil, Theo and Oskar.

The differences can be explained by two regions of influence, as Bielefeld said. While parents in the east often prefer names that have long been out of fashion - such as Frieda, Charlotte, Kurt and Gerda - parents in the north are inspired by their Scandinavian neighbors. "And in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, these two trends come together because it's north and east."

It is not uncommon for the north to be a trendsetter: he first discovered the now very popular young name Fiete in large numbers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern a few years ago. "And it's already taking Germany by storm. It's another candidate that could soon be in the top 10 everywhere." In MV, Fiete is in 8th place.

Other names that parents in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern choose significantly more often than parents in other federal states are Friedrich, Hailey, Hedi, Skadi, Wilhelm and Willi.

For the nationwide analysis, Bielefeld drew on 280,000 birth registrations from registry offices and maternity clinics in 412 cities. This corresponds to around 40 percent of all babies born in Germany. The Society for the German Language also publishes similar first name statistics - but later than Knud Bielefeld.

Knud Bielefeld - Popular first names Birth statistics from the Federal Statistical Office Most popular first names according to the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache Twitter account of Knud Bielefeld

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