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Fridays for Future initiates a climate strike in Hamburg.

Many Europeans plan to participate in the climate strike on Friday, coinciding with the European elections. Fridays for Future is organizing a rally in Hamburg as well, with notable supporters.

Lina Larissa Strahl, actress and singer.
Lina Larissa Strahl, actress and singer.

Protests or Public Display of Impassioned Actions - Fridays for Future initiates a climate strike in Hamburg.

Fridays for Future, the climate activist group, is calling for a massive demonstration in Hamburg this Friday at 2 PM. Police estimates put the number of participants at around 15,000 people. This protest is part of a larger European climate strike campaign coinciding with the European elections. The event, which will begin on Glacischaussee, is expected to receive some high-profile backers as well; Lina, a singer, is slated to perform.

The purpose of the demonstration is to emphasize the severity of the climate crisis ahead of the European election. Fridays for Future wants the EU to completely phase out all fossil fuel sources by 2035 and to increase investments in climate change mitigation efforts twofold by 2030. Without this, the EU's 2030 climate goals won't be met. In addition, they're urging young people to make their voices heard against any right-wing political shifts via their voting choices.

Germany's climate strike events are part of a broader, multi-day European climate protest wave. Overall, actions are planned in over a dozen countries, and in Germany alone, there are 100 registered demonstrations.

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The climate strike in Hamburg, led by Fridays for Future, has attracted the attention of police, estimating a participation of 15,000 people. This climate strike is part of a larger European campaign, coinciding with the European elections, aiming to push for stricter climate policies. The demonstrations feature music, with Lina, a singer, set to perform. The climate movement urges people to make their voices heard, particularly in the context of the European elections and potential right-wing shifts. Across Europe, numerous countries are participating in this multi-day climate protest wave, including Germany with over 100 registered demonstrations.

