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French rail lines disrupted by ‘malicious acts’ ahead of Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

Several coordinated “malicious” acts, including arson, targeted high-speed train lines in France overnight, disrupting travel ahead of the Olympic opening ceremony on Friday.

French rail lines disrupted by ‘malicious acts’ ahead of Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

France’s state railways company SNCF said the disruption has affected Atlantic, Northern and Eastern high-speed lines, with damage cause to several of its facilities. SNCF said one of the acts was “foiled.”

SNCF said travel traffic on these lines is “very disrupted,” with the railway network needing to divert and cancel a large number of trains. They outlined that team members are onsite to oversee repairs, however, said the situation is expected to last the entire weekend.

“We ask all travelers to postpone their trip and not to go to the station,” the statement said.

The Rémi Train Centre Val de Loire has also said their train lines will be disrupted until at least Monday, with a fire near the tracks in Courtalain in northern France causing disruptions for travel to Paris.

The disruptions come just hours before the Olympic torch relay concludes and the opening ceremony begins.

CNN has reached out to the International Olympic Committee for comment.

This is a developing story. More to come.

The disruptions in France's railway network have also affected Europe, causing inconvenience for travelers planning trips across the continent. Despite the efforts of SNCF team members to repair the damaged facilities, the disruptions are expected to continue affecting European travel until at least the start of the new week.

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