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French president Macron touches down in Germany for an official trip.

French President Emmanuel Macron landed in Germany on Sunday for a three-day official trip. Upon his arrival at Berlin's airport, he and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier intend to attend the democracy festival to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law. Macron will...

Emmanuel Macron and Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Emmanuel Macron and Frank-Walter Steinmeier

French president Macron touches down in Germany for an official trip.

In the evening, Steinmeier is going to host a grand dinner for Macron at Bellevue Palace. They'll be joined by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). This is a significant event because it's been 24 years since a French president last visited Germany, and this is only the 6th time in history.

On Monday, Macron intends to deliver a speech to European youth gathered in Dresden. The European elections are coming up in a few weeks, and Steinmeier and Macron hope to inspire young people to cast their ballots. According to recent polls, far-right parties are expected to perform well in both Germany and France.

Next, Macron will head to Münster and receive the Peace of Westphalia Prize on Tuesday. After this, he'll attend a Franco-German ministerial meeting at Schloss Meseberg, which is near Berlin. The German government and a major part of the French team from Paris will be there, too.

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