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French President Macron addresses Dresden audience, a first since German reunification.

Emmanuel Macron, French President, was moved and honored during the opening of his European policy speech in Dresden. He expressed his feelings in German: "I'm deeply honored to speak here today as the first French president since reunification." Macron's visit to Germany continued on Monday,...

Präsident Macron vor der Frauenkirche in Dresden
Präsident Macron vor der Frauenkirche in Dresden

French President Macron addresses Dresden audience, a first since German reunification.

Macron elaborated on the EU, calling it a "one-of-a-kind endeavor globally." The chosen location of Dresden, with its history of war and rebuilding, serves as a beacon of optimism. Speaking from the heart of Eastern Europe, Macron emphasized his dedication to the region.

Prior to this, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier had affirmed his commitment to safeguarding democracy in Germany, confidently stating, "Europe flourishes when the people choose it to."

On the following day, Macron plans to travel to Münster to collect the Westphalian Peace Prize. After that, the state visit continues with a German-French government meeting in Meseberg.

Read also:

  1. During his speech in Dresden, President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the significance of France's relationship with Europe, particularly the EU, emphasizing its unique status as a global endeavor.
  2. Referencing the historical context of Dresden, a city that experienced both war and reconstruction, Macron spoke about his commitment to the Eastern European region, which he was addressing from its heart.
  3. In alignment with this stance, French President Macron discussed the concept of reunification, drawing parallels between Germany's post-war regeneration and the potential for unity within the European Union.
  4. As a testament to his dedication to Europe, President Macron is scheduled to receive the Westphalian Peace Prize in Münster on the day following his speech in Dresden.


