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French election: right-wing populists clearly ahead with around 34 percent

In the first round of the French parliamentary elections, the right-wing populists are clearly ahead with around 34% of the vote in initial projections. According to three forecasts from Sunday evening, the Rassemblement National (RN) could achieve a relative or absolute majority after the...

Macron and his wife at their polling station
Macron and his wife at their polling station

French election: right-wing populists clearly ahead with around 34 percent

The left-green alliance New People's Front is estimated to have around 29 percent of the votes based on calculations. For the distribution of the 577 seats in the National Assembly, it is crucial whether and how many candidates withdraw in the second round to prevent the victory of an RN candidate. The voter turnout was higher than 60 percent, which has not been the case for decades.

The estimated percentage of votes for Emmanuel Macron's La République En Marche party is expected to be lower than the left-green alliance, potentially affecting their seat distribution in the Parliamentary election. This extrapolation suggests that the French election might result in a significant gain for the Right-wing populist party, Rassemblement National. If 34 RN candidates win in the second round, they could significantly influence the parliamentary proceedings. Despite the higher voter turnout, the outcome of the election remains uncertain, with the right-wing populists posing a significant challenge to traditional parties.

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