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Cardinal Reinhard Marx on 16.03.2015 in Munich (Bavaria) at the Freising Bishops'
Cardinal Reinhard Marx on 16.03.2015 in Munich (Bavaria) at the Freising Bishops'

Freising Bishops' Conference meets in Munich

The Autumn Plenary Assembly of the Freising Bishops' Conference begins this Wednesday in Munich.

However, shortly after the conclusion of the World Synod in Rome, the Bavarian bishops will not be focusing on the relationship between German Catholics and Rome or the universal church.

According to the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, the agenda will include the political situation in Bavaria following the recent state elections, the university landscape and religious education.

At the end of the Autumn Plenary Assembly on Thursday, the Chairman of the Bishops' Conference and Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, and the Head of the Bavarian Catholic Office, Matthias Belafi, will report on the deliberations.

The seven Bavarian archdioceses and dioceses of Bamberg, Munich and Freising, Augsburg, Eichstätt, Passau, Regensburg and Würzburg as well as the diocese of Speyer are represented in the Freising Bishops' Conference.

The meeting will take place in theunderfront of a church in Munich, serving as the venue for the Freising Bishops' Conference. During their discussions, they will also touch upon the role of religious education in Bavarian universities.




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