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Freiberg University introduces a new subject on space technology.

Starting June 1, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany's first mining university, will offer a unique opportunity to explore space technology through a Bachelor's degree program. Known for innovative approaches, the institution is venturing into space with the new Space Resources course, revealed...

A European Ariane 5 launcher lifts off from the spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.
A European Ariane 5 launcher lifts off from the spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

The Technical University of Freiberg [TU Bergakademie] - Freiberg University introduces a new subject on space technology.

The groundbreaking research conducted at our institution is set to play a significant role in future space endeavors, stated Rector Klaus-Dieter Barbknecht. As a multifaceted educational institution, Bergakademie provides the ideal setting for this new area of study.

Lasting for seven semesters, this innovative course has a strong connection to the ongoing Artemis program of NASA, focused on bringing humans back to the moon and establishing a long-term presence there. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics -- from astro- and geoengineering to chemistry, robotics, automation, and AI, as well as legal, economic, and ethical aspects. The long-term goal is for the TU Bergakademie Freiberg's logo to be displayed on lunar machinery and facilities, and for astronauts to have traveled through Freiberg during their journey.

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