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Freiberg: Focus on core subjects math and German

Following the poor performance of German pupils in the international Pisa study, Brandenburg's Education Minister Steffen Freiberg (SPD) has emphasized the need to focus on core subjects in schools. Freiberg said in Potsdam on Tuesday that Brandenburg had already reacted to the national IQB...

A teacher teaches in a classroom.
A teacher teaches in a classroom.

Minister of Education - Freiberg: Focus on core subjects math and German

Following the poor performance of German pupils in the international Pisa study, Brandenburg's Education Minister Steffen Freiberg (SPD) has emphasized the need to focus on core subjects in schools. Freiberg said in Potsdam on Tuesday that Brandenburg had already reacted to the national IQB education study last year by focusing on teaching mathematics and German. And on April 1, the "Abako" project was launched to promote basic mathematical skills at elementary school, explained Freiberg.

However, the minister said that the latest Pisa results also include the fact that pupils in year 9 took part in the Pisa tests from April 2022. "This year group has been significantly affected by the restrictions on teaching during the coronavirus pandemic."

The co-governing CDU spoke of "alarming results". "We must do everything we can to focus on the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic and to pay even more attention to language support from the outset," said Gordon Hoffmann, education policy spokesperson for the CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament. "At the end of year 4, all pupils really need a "reading, writing and arithmetic guarantee"."

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the Pisa study in 2022. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced in Berlin on Tuesday that Germany's scores in reading, mathematics and science were the lowest ever measured by Pisa.

German pupils performed particularly badly in mathematics. They achieved a score of 475, compared to 500 in the previous study published in 2019. In reading, they scored 480 (2019: 498) and in science 492 (2019: 503).

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