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Freedom as a festive gift: 21 prisoners released early

The so-called Christmas amnesty has been in place in Saxony since 2020. This year, offenders will once again be released early - the first of them a month before the festive season.

Justice - Freedom as a festive gift: 21 prisoners released early

For the fourth time, the prison doors in Saxony are opening for offenders who have been sentenced to less than two years' imprisonment or a fine before their actual sentence ends around the holidays. According to the Ministry of Justice, 19 adults, including three women, have been released early from the Free State's prison system since mid-November. The legal basis for this is a ministerial order on the occasion of Christmas.

A ministry spokesperson said that the gates could open earlier than expected for other prisoners by Christmas Eve, provided the right conditions are met, if their imprisonment were to end regularly by January 4, 2024. A total of 21 releases have been ordered by courts and public prosecutors' offices, but some inmates are not being housed in the Free State.

The conditions for early release are strict. Prisoners convicted of particularly serious crimes and those sentenced to more than two years in prison are generally exempt, as are prisoners who are conspicuous in prison. In addition, medical care, accommodation and subsistence must be secure, those affected must have given their consent and prisoners in alternative custody must have served the majority of their sentence.

"Positive, close family and social ties are an important factor for successful resocialization," said the ministry spokesperson, citing reasons for the practice. A stable social network helps to "regain one's footing" and to use the early release at Christmas time for a "fresh start". In addition to reintegration into the family and social environment, important visits to authorities, doctors or therapy and job interviews are still possible before the holidays.

Until 2019, the Free State of Bavaria was the only other federal state without a "Christmas amnesty". Only prisoners whose sentences officially ended between December 22 and January 2 were allowed to return home early for the holidays. With the change from the CDU to the Greens at the head of the Ministry of Justice, Saxony adapted to the practice common in almost all of Germany.

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