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Free voters want more control over lottery funds

Brandenburg's ministries can spend money from lottery funds on charitable projects every year. The Free Voters are calling for greater control over the use of lottery funds. "We want to be able to better understand what the money is used for," said Péter Vida, group spokesperson for the Free...

Finances - Free voters want more control over lottery funds

Brandenburg's ministries can spend money from lottery funds on charitable projects every year. The Free Voters are calling for greater control over the use of lottery funds. "We want to be able to better understand what the money is used for," said Péter Vida, group spokesperson for the Free Voters, to the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten newspaper (Tuesday). The Free Voters propose that the state government inform the public and parliament about the allocation of lottery funds. The specialist committees of the state parliament should be informed about approved applications from an amount of 10,000 euros per quarter.

All ministries have a total of around 4.8 million euros in lottery funds available each year to support specific projects. The Ministry of Science receives the largest share of this at just under 15.8 percent, followed by the Ministry of Social Affairs with around 15.5 percent and the Ministry of Education with around 12.7 percent. In Brandenburg, the lottery is linked to a contribution to the common good.

Last year, for example, 60,000 euros in lottery funds went from the Ministry of Social Affairs to the Friends of the Ernst von Bergmann Hospital in Potsdam, which organized aid transports to Ukraine. The State Chancellery and the Ministry of Culture donated 48,000 euros to the Brandenburg Summer Concerts.

Motion by the Free Voters in the Brandenburg state parliament on lottery funds

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