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Free Voters founded as a group in the Brandenburg state parliament

The year ends with a tough cut for the Free Voters in the Brandenburg state parliament: Following the transfer of a member to the AfD parliamentary group, the remaining MPs lose their parliamentary group status and must now continue to work as a group.

Péter Vida (Brandenburger Vereinigte Bürgerbewegungen (BVB)/Freie Wähler) speaks during a
Péter Vida (Brandenburger Vereinigte Bürgerbewegungen (BVB)/Freie Wähler) speaks during a meeting.

Constitution - Free Voters founded as a group in the Brandenburg state parliament

Immediately after the rejection of the state constitutional court's decision on the status of a parliamentary group, the Free Voters in the Brandenburg state parliament have founded themselves as a group in parliament. The formation of the group with the four remaining MPs was reported to the President of Parliament, Ulrike Liedtke, in the week before Christmas and thus took place, the Chairman of BVB/Free Voters, Péter Vida, told the German Press Agency.

Compared to a parliamentary group, a group has only limited rights in terms of speaking time and financial support. For example, there is only a total speaking time of 35 minutes per plenary day, explained Vida. As a parliamentary group, the Free Voters were able to speak for an average of 5 minutes on each agenda item. However, there is now an average speaking time of 4 minutes per agenda item, said Vida. "That's enough to make our points of view clear," he said. The group also has the right to speak and table motions in all committees and plenary sessions.

However, the group also receives 20 percent less money for its parliamentary work, said the chairman. The employment contracts for the 20 or so employees would therefore have to be adjusted. "However, we are confident that we will find socially acceptable solutions," he said. Ultimately, it was about three full-time positions that were still "in limbo".

The Free Voters entered the state parliament in 2019 with five percent and five members. MP Philip Zeschmann left the BVB/Free Voters parliamentary group in November and switched to the AfD parliamentary group. The Free Voters then lost their status as a parliamentary group. The state parliament justified this by stating that they no longer had the five members required by the parliamentary group law. The state constitutional court rejected an urgent appeal against this decision on December 18. However, the Free Voters want to continue to fight for parliamentary group status in the main proceedings.

At the same time, BVB/FreieWähler will continue its political work unabated, emphasized Vida. He is confident that the Free Voters will obtain the 20,000 signatures required for the first stage of their popular initiative to maintain nationwide healthcare by the spring. "Because according to Health Minister Lauterbach's reform plans, 22 of the 66 hospital locations in Brandenburg are under threat," warned Vida.

Other issues include improving education with more teachers, strengthening the police and local public transport, said Vida. "We want to reactivate disused railroad lines and better coordinate trains with bus services."

In the local elections in June, the Free Voters want to run with 1,000 candidates for the district councils and a further 2,000 candidates for the towns and municipalities. Undeterred by the setback in the state parliament, Vida has set a target of "8 percent" for the state elections in the fall. "We want to be part of the next state government," emphasized Vida confidently.

Read also:

  1. Despite the rejection of their appeal by the State Constitutional Court, Ulrike Liedtke, the President of the Brandenburg state parliament, was notified of the Free Voters' decision to form a group before Christmas.
  2. The founding of the Free Voters as a group in the Brandenburg state parliament came after they lost their parliamentary group status due to the departure of one member and not meeting the required five members.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the AfD parliamentary group gained a former member, Philip Zeschmann, who had previously been part of the BVB/Free Voters group.
  4. The State Parliament justified their decision to take away the Free Voters' parliamentary group status due to the lack of the required five members, as per the parliamentary group law.
  5. The Free Voters, now as a group, will still receive financial support but with a 20% reduction in funds for parliamentary work, potentially affecting the employment contracts of their employees.
  6. The Free Voters, with their reduced parliamentary group status, plan to retain their political stance and continue their efforts, including launching a popular initiative to maintain nationwide healthcare and aiming for 8% in the state elections.


