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Free State welcomes new year: 18-year-old dies from firecracker

Whether on Marienplatz in Munich or at the Kaiserburg in Nuremberg - many people in Bavaria celebrate the New Year in a largely peaceful manner. Numerous fires keep the fire department on their toes. In the Upper Palatinate, a young man dies from a firecracker.

A boy watches a colorful fireworks display on the street of a village.
A boy watches a colorful fireworks display on the street of a village.

Fires - Free State welcomes new year: 18-year-old dies from firecracker

People in Bavaria celebrated the New Year largely peacefully. However, several people were seriously injured in accidents involving pyrotechnics; in the Upper Palatinate, an 18-year-old died from injuries caused by a firecracker.

According to the police, the young man had thrown a firecracker into a plastic pipe on New Year's Eve in Eschlkam (Cham district) in order to explode it. When his head was above the pipe, the firecracker exploded and injured the man in the head area. An 18-year-old woman, who was standing in the immediate vicinity of the explosion, suffered burns. She was taken to a specialist clinic. The State Office of Criminal Investigation is investigating the background to the incident.

Helpers from the police, fire department and rescue services were deployed to hundreds of incidents across Bavaria during the turn of the year. The police were slightly less busy than the year before. According to Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), the police headquarters in Bavaria registered 3316 operations, compared to just under 3390 the previous year. New Year's Eve in Bavaria was largely peaceful, Herrmann reported on Monday. There were no major riots or excesses.

The fire and rescue services had around 640 call-outs in the state capital of Munich alone at the turn of the year. In addition to many smaller fires, the fire department also extinguished two large fires, as a spokesperson announced on Monday. A balcony in a high-rise building caught fire and one resident suffered severe burns. In the Solln district, two cars and a building were on fire. There were no injuries.

On New Year's Eve, most people gathered on Marienplatz in front of the town hall. At times, the police counted up to 10,000 people there to welcome in the New Year.

In Nuremberg and the surrounding area, the fire and rescue services were called out to more than 1,000 incidents on New Year's Eve. The police in Middle Franconia were particularly busy on Nuremberg's Jakobsplatz. Around midnight, numerous people had gathered there, some of whom had deliberately aimed fireworks at surrounding buildings and other groups of people. The police intervened.

A 34-year-old woman was also injured by pyrotechnics in Hof, Upper Franconia. According to the police, a rocket hit the woman in the chest area on New Year's Eve. She suffered blast trauma and serious facial injuries. According to the police, the rocket had previously been fired from a group of several people.

A twelve-year-old was injured by a ricochet from a battery of fireworks in Inzell in Upper Bavaria (Traunstein district). According to the police, the ricochet exploded right next to the boy's head. He had to be taken to hospital immediately and treated there. It was initially unclear whether the explosion had caused him any permanent damage.

In Würzburg, a 45-year-old man was seriously injured by an exploding firework. The explosive device, which he actually wanted to throw away, exploded in his hand. When the police and emergency services arrived, the intoxicated man was reportedly uncooperative. The emergency services were eventually able to convince him to be transported to hospital, where he underwent surgery on his hand.

In Dachau, unknown persons set fire to a police patrol car on New Year's Eve. When officers returned to their patrol car after an operation, it was on fire. The police officers were able to extinguish the flames with a fire extinguisher that was in the car and prevent it from burning out completely. They found a firework battery under the vehicle. Therefore, there is currently a suspicion of deliberate arson.

The many New Year's Eve rockets and firecrackers also made the air in some cities quite bad at times. At midnight, particulate matter levels rose massively in several large cities and at times exceeded the permissible daily limit many times over.

In Ingolstadt, for example, particulate matter pollution (PM10) was more than 700 micrograms per cubic meter at around 1 a.m., according to data from the State Office for the Environment. The daily average limit value for particulate matter pollution is 50 micrograms per cubic meter. It may only be exceeded on 35 days a year. At the same time, the value in Munich was 580. The daily limit value was also significantly exceeded at times in Nuremberg, Regensburg and Augsburg. Particulate matter is considered a health hazard.

Read also:

  1. The incident in Eschlkam, located in the District of Cham in the Upper Palatinate, was handled by the local police and fire department.
  2. Joachim Herrmann, the Interior Minister from the CSU in Bavaria, commended the peaceful celebrations despite the increased calls to emergency services.
  3. In comparison to the previous year, the number of operations reported by the police headquarters in Bavaria decreased slightly, with 3316 operations reported this New Year's Eve.
  4. The police in Middle Franconia were particularly busy on Nuremberg's Jakobsplatz, where some individuals aimed pyrotechnics at nearby buildings and people.
  5. In the fire-prone city of Munich, the fire department responded to around 640 incidents on New Year's Eve, extinguishing two significant fires and treating no injuries.
  6. Emergency services in Munich faced challenges in extinguishing a high-rise building balcony fire and a Solln district car and building blaze on New Year's Eve.
  7. The State Office for Criminal Investigation is currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the Eschlkam firecracker incident that led to an 18-year-old's death.
  8. Particulate matter pollution in Ingolstadt, Nuremberg, Regensburg, and Augsburg exceeded the daily limit value at times on New Year's Eve, raising significant health concerns.
  9. The fire department in Nuremberg and the surrounding area attended to more than 1,000 incidents on New Year's Eve, with local police intervening at Jakobsplatz to halt dangerous behavior.
  10. In Hof, Upper Franconia, a 34-year-old woman sustained serious facial injuries from a ricochet rocket incident on New Year's Eve.
  11. According to the police, the ricochet explosion in Inzell, Upper Bavaria, left a twelve-year-old boy with unclear injuries, requiring immediate hospitalization.
  12. Unknown individuals set fire to a police patrol car in Dachau on New Year's Eve, leading to a suspicion of deliberate arson due to the discovery of a firework battery beneath the vehicle.




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