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Frankfurt takes stock of the EM

The European Championships have been a complete success for the city of Frankfurt so far. There is only one area where things could have been better, or rather sunnier.

Romanian fans celebrate in the fan zone.
Romanian fans celebrate in the fan zone.

European Football Championship - Frankfurt takes stock of the EM

After the five matches in Frankfurt, the city draws a positive interim balance for the Football European Championship. "I believe the EM was a full success from Frankfurt's perspective", said Mayor Mike Josef. With over 716,000 visitors and guests in the Fanzone along the Main River, numbers far exceeded expectations – and that despite weather-related closures.

The EM Stadium was reportedly sold out with approximately 47,000 spectators for each of the five games. The transportation concept proved effective during arrivals and departures, it was stated. However, after the match between Romania and Slovakia on June 26, the lifts at the stadium did not function due to heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Weather caused frustration

Nonetheless, the weather was a factor that slightly tarnished the interim assessment. The Fanzone had to be closed prematurely twice due to warnings from the German Weather Service (DWD), and it was not even opened once. "That's frustrating", said Thomas Feda, CEO of the Frankfurt Tourism+Congress GmbH. This was not an easy decision. But of course, safety comes first. It's not just a matter of life and death, emphasized Josef. For instance, no significant damage was caused by a tree uprooted in the middle of the Fanzone.

For the Mayor, the coming together and cooperation of the fans are the success factors of such an EM. Moments like the joint celebrations of Danish and English fans on the Römerberg are priceless. Of course, the tournament brings a significant effort with it, he said. "I won't sugarcoat it." But it was worth it, especially concerning the security concept.

Thick praise for fans

Police President Stefan Müller sent "thick, heartfelt praise" to the fans of various nations, who were all peaceful and considerate. The number of crimes in the city was significantly lower than at comparable wet and crowded events of this scale, such as the Museumsuferfest.

There were around 130 criminal offenses recorded in the stadium during the five matches, including 43 cases of trespassing, as fans climbed over fences. Additionally, nine burglaries and 24 bodily injuries were reported. Following the incident with allegedly violent stewards during the Portugal-Slovenia quarterfinal, the investigation has now been initiated, said Müller. The footage was taken from videos. This material will now be evaluated. In the images, several stewards can be seen apparently assaulting a man in a specific area near the field. Another person is seen lying on the ground.

Next football mega-event

The last EM match in Frankfurt was played on the previous Monday (June 28). "I would have wished for a quarterfinal or semifinal match, I'm not hiding that", said Josef. The next major football event is already on the horizon with the Europa League Final 2027.

  1. Despite the weather-related challenges in Frankfurt, Mayor Mike Josef still declared a positive interim balance for the European Football Championship.
  2. The EM Stadium in Frankfurt was reportedly sold out for each of the five games, with approximately 47,000 spectators attending each match.
  3. Despite expectations being exceeded with over 716,000 visitors in the Fanzone along the Main River, the Fanzone had to be closed prematurely twice due to weather warnings from the DWD.
  4. Thomas Feda, CEO of the Frankfurt Tourism+Congress GmbH, expressed frustration over the premature closures but emphasized safety as the top priority.
  5. Stefan Müller, Police President, praised the fans for their peaceful and considerate behavior during the tournament, claiming their actions led to significantly fewer crimes compared to similar events.
  6. With around 130 criminal offenses recorded in the stadium during the five matches, including 43 cases of trespassing, the investigation into allegations of violent stewards during the Portugal-Slovenia quarterfinal has been initiated.
  7. The European Football Championship's last match in Frankfurt took place on June 28, and Mayor Josef expressed his hope for a more significant event like a quarterfinal or semifinal match for the next major football event, which is the Europa League Final 2027 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  8. According to the mayor, the coming together and cooperation of fans during such an EM are its success factors, with the joint celebrations of Danish and English fans on the Römerberg being particularly memorable.

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