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Frankfurt fan zone cleared due to thunderstorm

The fan zone in Frankfurt am Main was cleared and subsequently cordoned off due to a severe thunderstorm.

Turkish fans leave the fan zone.
Turkish fans leave the fan zone.

Weather - Frankfurt fan zone cleared due to thunderstorm

The Fanzone in Frankfurt am Main was closed on Wednesday due to a heavy storm. Before the onset of the thunderstorm, the area along the Main river at the Football-EM matches was cleared out during halftime, according to a Frankfurt police spokesperson speaking to the German Press Agency. At that time, the matches between Slovakia and Romania (1:1) and Belgium and Ukraine (0:0) were taking place. Due to persistent weather warning, the Fanzone was not opened in the evening for the later scheduled matches.

Not many people had gathered in the Fanzone, making the clearance process smooth, it was further stated. Approximately 7500 female visitors and male visitors watched the first match encounters according to police reports in the Fanzone.

Info on Frankfurt Fanzone

  1. Despite the closure of the Fanzone in Frankfurt due to the storm, eager soccer fans still flocked to watch the European Football Championship matches at alternative viewing spots in the city.
  2. The postponement of the evening matches at the EM in Frankfurt am Main caused disappointment among many soccer fans, including those from Germany who had planned to attend the fan zone.
  3. In the midst of the thunderstorm, some soccer fans in Frankfurt am Main braved the elements and headed towards the city center, hoping to catch the EM matches at local pubs and bars offering live telecasts.
  4. The police in Hesse were prepared for the unexpected disruptions caused by the storm, and they ensured the safety of soccer fans who were attending the European Football Championship matches in Frankfurt am Main.
  5. Despite the closure of the Fanzone, the city of Frankfurt am Main and its surrounding areas still drew a large number of soccer fans eager to support their teams during the European Football Championship.

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