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Frankfurt court district becomes a construction site

The Frankfurt court district will become a construction site over the next few years. Some trials will be held in a tent. The president of the district court, Wilhelm Wolf, expects "that we will be working on a building site for years".

"Human dignity is inviolable" is written on the façade of the district court in Frankfurt am
"Human dignity is inviolable" is written on the façade of the district court in Frankfurt am Main.

Justice - Frankfurt court district becomes a construction site

The Frankfurt court district will become a construction site over the next few years. Some trials will be held in a tent. The president of the district court, Wilhelm Wolf, expects "that we will be working on a construction site for years".

Building C is expected to be demolished in the first quarter of 2024, said Wolf. It will take three to four years before the new building on the same site is ready. Among other things, the building houses the public prosecutor's office, which will move to Niederrad during the construction work.

According to Wolf, a "court tent" - a type of building used in trade fair construction - will be erected in the inner courtyard of Building A to replace the hearing rooms in Building C. Wolf expects the temporary structure to be in place by the beginning of the second quarter at the latest. Once the new C building has been occupied, the renovation of buildings B, A and E will follow. Wolf expects construction work to continue until 2032 or 2034.

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The demolition of Building C, known for housing the public prosecutor's office, is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024, as mentioned by Wilhelm Wolf, who is the president of the Frankfurt court district. The construction of a new building on the same site is anticipated to take three to four years, during which the public prosecutor's office will operate from Niederrad.

Wilhelm Wolf, the president of the Frankfurt court district, has proposed the installation of a "court tent" at the construction site, to be erected in the inner courtyard of Building A, as a replacement for the hearing rooms in Building C that is to be demolished.

Despite the scale of renovations planned for buildings B, A, and E following the completion of the new Building C, Wilhelm Wolf, the president of the Frankfurt court district, foresees that construction in the Frankfurt court district will continue until at least 2032 or 2034.


