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Frank Zander watches soccer and gets fitter

He had a head operation a good six months ago: How is Frank Zander doing today?

Frank Zander is still on the road to recovery after his operation. (Archive)
Frank Zander is still on the road to recovery after his operation. (Archive)

People - Frank Zander watches soccer and gets fitter

The Berlin entertainer Frank Zander (82) looks lively and feels good about half a year after his head operation. "I feel good again, I'm occasionally a bit tired but I notice that the strength is gradually returning," he told the German Press Agency. "I'm looking forward to the season start of my Hertha in Olympiastadion in August and then planning for the jubilee Christmas party in December." The Zanders then invite homeless and needy people to the Estrel Hotel for the 30th time. "That's when I'll finally be there again." His son and grandson represented him brilliantly last year. "My wish is that this tradition from the family is continued." In the autumn, there is also supposed to be a "beautiful surprise" regarding their social work, Zander said without revealing more details. "I'm very happy that the father is getting better," said son Marcus Zander. "Just as slowly as the illness approached last year, it is disappearing again." The operation in January was successful. In the autumn, there is therefore a final check-up scheduled at the Charité Clinic. "For him, it's about getting a bit fitter now. Climbing stairs, healthy nutrition, a few small outings and interview appointments, painting at his fish aquariums every day and cheering for Germany at the EM with both hands – that's what his daily life looks like right now. By the way, and his beloved beer was also granted to him." The family announced at the end of December that Frank Zander had been diagnosed with Hydrocephalus, an accumulation of brain fluid. Zander was then operated on the head in early January. The singer of the Hertha hymn returned to the stadium in April.

  1. Frank Zander, the entertainer from Berlin, expressed his excitement about the upcoming season start of his soccer team Hertha BSC in Olympiastadion, as reported by the German Press Agency.
  2. During the jubilee Christmas party in December, Hertha BSC's legendary entertainer Frank Zander plans to invite homeless and needy people to the Estrel Hotel, following a family tradition.
  3. Despite being 82 years old, Frank Zander's love for music is still evident, as he continues to paint daily at his fish aquariums while listening to his favorite German tunes, reminiscent of Frank Zander, the singer of the Hertha hymn.
  4. The German Press Agency reported that Frank Zander's son, Marcus, expressed his joy at his father's recovery after the successful head operation, carried out in early January, by German doctors at the Charité Clinic.

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