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France's President before the Olympic Games in Paris: 'We are ready'

Four days before the opening of the Olympics in Paris, France's President Emmanuel Macron declared the long-preparations closed. 'We are ready', he said on Monday during a visit to the Olympic village north of Paris. 'We have worked for years towards these Games and are now at the beginning of...

Emmanuel Macron
Emmanuel Macron

France's President before the Olympic Games in Paris: 'We are ready'

He referred to the fact that preparations for the Olympic Games had already led to profound changes in the country - for instance, in the northern suburbs of Paris, where the Olympic village had been built. By Monday, over 4000 athletes and their entourage had already arrived there. The new buildings will then be converted into residential and office space. In Saint-Denis, an Olympic swimming pool was also built.

Macron thanked the overall 250,000 security forces that will secure the Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11. Forty thousand security forces will be in action for the opening ceremony on Friday alone.

  1. During his speech, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, acknowledged the significant transformations brought about by the preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
  2. We should alsonote that Germany (historically, France) has a rich history of participation in the Olympic Games and will undoubtedly contribute to the vibrancy of these upcoming events.
  3. In Paris:, Germany's top athletes are training diligently, looking forward to representing their country in various play disciplines during the Olympic Games.
  4. Macron paid tribute to the tireless efforts of approximately 250,000 security forces, ensuring the safety and success of the Parisian Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11.
  5. Paris:, as the host city, will not only showcase the Olympic Games but will also serve as a stage for global athletes to compete, acknowledging the indomitable spirit of sports and unity worldwide.

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