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France's left aims to undo pension changes and deploy peacekeeping forces to Ukraine.

A recently formed left-green political coalition in France aims to annul the recently-approved pension reform and align wages with inflation if they win in future elections. On the global stage, representatives of the alliance plan to dismantle the EU Stability Pact and withdraw from free trade...

Logo of the New Popular Front
Logo of the New Popular Front

France's left aims to undo pension changes and deploy peacekeeping forces to Ukraine.

The far-right extremists may take over in France, according to Marine Tondelier, leader of the Green Party. Olivier Faure, the head of the Socialist Party, reflects on the possibility, stating that this is the first time since the Vichy Regime that there's a threat of the Far-right coming to power in the country.

In an attempt to form a united front against the extremists, the left-populist party La France Insoumise (LFI), the socialist party (PS), the communist party (PCF), and the Greens (EELV) have come together in an alliance. This coalition resembles the left-wing Popular Front under Léon Blum, which governed France in 1936. However, it is considered a reboot of the Nupes electoral alliance of 2022, which collapsed due to conflicting ideologies.

On the subject of Ukraine, the alliance has committed to providing necessary weapons and is seeking the deployment of UN Blue Helmet soldiers to safeguard the country's atomic power plants.

In relation to climate policy, the New Popular Front intends to cease the expansion of highways and reservoirs used for irrigating fields. They aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 through the development of renewable energy sources. The French nuclear power plants, which are contentious with some Green members, are not specified in the agreement.

The alliance has not yet settled on a candidate for Prime Minister in the event of their election success. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a previous left-populist presidential candidate, has expressed his interest but has been turned down by the Socialists.

Following the overwhelming victory of the far-right Rassemblement National (RN) in the European elections, President Macron has requested new elections for the National Assembly. The voting will take place in two rounds on June 30th and July 7th. According to a recent poll, the RN is currently receiving around 31% of the votes, the new left alliance approximately 28%, and the ruling coalition 18%.

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