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France: Macron's party re-elects chairperson of National Assembly

In France, the National Assembly re-elected Yael Braun-Pivet, the current president from the Renaissance presidential party, in the position. In the third round of voting on Thursday, Braun-Pivet received 220 votes and led communist deputy André Chassaigne, the candidate of the New People's...

Yael Braun-Pivet after her re-election
Yael Braun-Pivet after her re-election

France: Macron's party re-elects chairperson of National Assembly

Braun-Pivet and Chassaigne missed a victory in the first two ballots, where an absolute majority was necessary. In the third attempt, the incumbent chairperson managed to secure a simple majority to be re-elected.

President Emmanuel Macron scheduled new parliamentary elections after the triumph of the right-wing RN in the European elections. The government coalition, comprising three parties, obtained 165 parliamentary seats, down from the previous 250. The left-wing New People's Front captured 192 seats and emerged as the winner of the Parliamentary Elections. The right-wing RN gained between 123 and 126 seats, significantly more than the 88 seats before the election.

Braun-Pivet benefited from the votes of conservative Republicans (LR) who withdrew their candidate Philippe Juvin. The parliamentarians of the center-right Horizons party also voted for the Renaissance politicians.

RN candidate Chenu criticized a "victory of trickery" and spoke of "unnatural alliances" in an online service X. Mathilde Panot from the left party La France Insoumise, the strongest force within the New People's Front, called Braun-Pivet's election an "anti-democratic power grab."

Three blocks emerged from the Parliamentary Elections, each failing to achieve an absolute majority and whose programs are hardly compatible. Therefore, the current government of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal remains in charge until a new premier is appointed and a new government is formed.

  1. Emmanuel Macron, following the National Rally's success in the European elections, announced new parliamentary elections in France.
  2. Despite missing a victory in the initial two rounds, Macron's chairperson, Braun-Pivet, managed to secure a simple majority in the third attempt during the Parliamentary Elections.
  3. The far-right National Rally, formerly known as the RN, significantly increased its seats in the Parliamentary Elections, from 88 to between 123 and 126.
  4. The National Rally's criticism of Braun-Pivet's election as chairperson included claims of a "victory of trickery" and "unnatural alliances," made by RN candidate Chenu in an online service.
  5. In the Parliamentary Elections, the left-wing New People's Front, which includes La France Insoumise as its strongest force, emerged as the winner, capturing 192 seats.

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