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Fourth test launch for Starship rocket system is underway.

Elon Musk's "Starship" rocket system, standing at 120 meters, surpasses the height of the Statue of Liberty. Out of four recent attempts, only one succeeded in exceeding previous distances.

SpaceX's Starship mega rocket on its third test flight - another test launch is imminent.
SpaceX's Starship mega rocket on its third test flight - another test launch is imminent.

Exploration of outer space - Fourth test launch for Starship rocket system is underway.

The most recent trial of SpaceX's biggest rocket system to date has exceeded expectations, with the unoccupied "Starship" created by tech billionaire Elon Musk ascending into space and staying there for approximately 30 minutes. Despite being damaged during reentry, the vessel managed to gently land in the ocean for the first time, according to SpaceX's declaration.

Despite the loss of various tiles and a wing's harm, the "Starship" managed a successful touchdown in the ocean, as Musk stated on X, a platform he also owns. "Congratulations to the SpaceX team on a groundbreaking feat!" applauded NASA chief Bill Nelson. "This success moves us closer to returning humanity to the moon and then onward to Mars."

After its launch from a facility in Texas, the booster and the upper portion of the rocket separated, with the booster landing under controlled conditions in the Gulf of Mexico as intended. The test spanned approximately an hour and was met with jubilation and clapping in the SpaceX control room.

The main objective of the tests is data collection, with the controlled landing of both rocket fragments being the primary focus of this time. However, the upper stage sustained more damage than anticipated.

Unsuccessful prior attempts

In the preceding April, the entire rocket system disintegrated a few minutes after takeoff. In another endeavor in November, the booster and upper stage parted ways, with the latter continuing flight, but both Meeting the fates of destruction shortly thereafter. In a March test flight, the "Starship" attained space for the first time; however, it was unable to complete the mission as planned.

The "Starship," built from a 70-meter-long booster named "Super Heavy" and a 50-meter-long upper stage known simply as "Starship," aims to enable manned missions to the moon and Mars. The system is designed for the spacecraft and rocket to be reusable after returning to Earth. The combined length of 120 meters anticipates the ability to transport more than 100 tons of cargo in the future. NASA intends to transport astronauts to the moon with the "Starship." SpaceX intends to reach Mars using the system.

Read also:

  1. The Indian Ocean served as the venue for SpaceX's Starship's successful test reentry, marking a significant milestone for Elon Musk's space exploration ambitions.
  2. SpaceX's Starship, designed for future space travel to the Moon and Mars, utilized a reusable rocket system funded in part by the USA's SpaceX and NASA partnership.
  3. The SpaceX control room erupted in applause during the live broadcast of the test flight, with SpaceX CEO Elon Musk expressing his satisfaction.
  4. The SpaceX test launch demonstrated the potential of a more efficient and cost-effective SpaceX and NASA missile system, which could revolutionize the future of space travel and science research.
  5. The SpaceX Starship's test start from Brownsville, Texas, was the fourth attempt since its initial unsuccessful test flight in April.
  6. Bill Nelson, NASA's chief administrator, commended SpaceX for the successful test, stating that it brings us one step closer to manned space travel to the Moon and beyond.
  7. Meanwhile, news about the planned Starship launch for the Moon by NASA and SpaceX has sparked renewed interest in space travel and exploration, generating global discussions on science and technology.
  8. NASA, SpaceX, and the USA's space exploration efforts have raised concerns about missile defense systems and its impact on future technologies as well as international relations and security.



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