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Four parked cars set on fire in Großschönau: Investigation

A burning car ignited three other vehicles and damaged one in Großschönau on Saturday evening. According to a statement on Sunday, the Görlitz police department assumes that the car was set alight. The fire spread to an adjacent car and two other cars, which were completely engulfed in flames...

A barrier tape with the inscription "police cordon" is stretched in front of a police car.
A barrier tape with the inscription "police cordon" is stretched in front of a police car.

Fires - Four parked cars set on fire in Großschönau: Investigation

A burning car ignited three other vehicles and damaged one in Großschönau on Saturday evening. According to a statement on Sunday, the Görlitz police department assumes that the car was set alight. The fire spread to an adjacent car and two other cars, which were completely engulfed in flames when the fire department arrived. A car in the immediate vicinity was damaged. It was possible to prevent the fire from spreading further. The total property damage is reported to be around 50,000 euros, with four vehicles suffering economic total loss. The police are investigating arson.

Read also:

  1. The arson investigation at the Görlitz police headquarters on Sunday involved analyzing the brand of the burnt cars for any potential links to criminality.
  2. Despite the incident being on a Sunday, the local fire department and police responded promptly to extinguish the fires and secure the area.
  3. The brand-new vehicle that was initially set ablaze on Saturday evening in Görlitz showed no signs of determination to follow proper parking regulations.
  4. The Saxony criminal investigation unit is working closely with the Görlitz police to determine if the vehicle fires are connected to any organized criminal activities.
  5. The police headquarters in Görlitz announced that they are offering a reward for any information leading to the identification of the individuals responsible for the vehicle arson incidents.
  6. Concerned citizens in Görlitz have expressed their dissatisfaction with the increase in criminality, including vehicle fires, and are calling for increased security measures in the area.



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