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Four out of five students do not use financial aid

Bafög, loans or scholarships - there are several offers of financial support for students. New figures show that only a few make use of these opportunities.

Students sit in a lecture in a university lecture hall.
Students sit in a lecture in a university lecture hall.

Universities - Four out of five students do not use financial aid

According to a study, around four out of five students in Lower Saxony do not make use of financial support services. This is the result of an analysis presented by the CHE Center for Higher Education Development in Gütersloh on Friday. Many students would instead receive financial support from their parents or do part-time jobs.

According to the data, a maximum of 20.8 percent of university students in Lower Saxony make use of support services such as Bafög, state loans or scholarships. This puts Lower Saxony in the top 3 nationwide. According to the study, students in Lower Saxony receive an average of 619 euros in Bafög. According to the data, no more than 18.4 percent of students in Bremen take advantage of the offers.

Nationwide, around five out of six students do not use Bafög and Co. "The fact that at least 84 percent of students in Germany are now unable or unwilling to make use of the state support services for financing their studies shows the urgent need for reform," said study author Ulrich Müller in Gütersloh on Friday. For most of the almost three million students currently studying in Germany, the state offers are of little significance and there is an urgent need for action.

If the system of student financing in Germany remains as it is, success at university will depend more and more on parental income in the future. The survey assumes that nine out of ten students in Germany are financially supported by their parents. More than two thirds work alongside their studies.


Read also:

  1. The CHE Center for University Development, located in Gütersloh, is the organization that conducted the study on financial aid usage among students in Lower Saxony, Germany.
  2. The city of Hanover, also in Lower Saxony, might benefit from discussing the results of this study at its local universities, given that financial aid utilization is relatively high compared to other German states.
  3. Statistics reveal that Bremen, another university-rich region in Lower Saxony, has a lower percentage of students taking advantage of financial aid opportunities compared to the state average.
  4. The findings suggest that many universities across Germany, including those in cities like Bremen and Hanover, need to consider implementing reforms to make financial aid more accessible for a larger number of students.


