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Four Islamist terrorists in long-term custody during the European Championships

The police and judiciary have taken four Islamist terrorists in North Rhine-Westphalia into long-term custody for the duration of the European Football Championship. There were "initial suspicions, but no concrete plans for an attack", said NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) in the state...

Herbert Reul (CDU), Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks during a press...
Herbert Reul (CDU), Minister of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks during a press conference.

Extremism - Four Islamist terrorists in long-term custody during the European Championships

While there is no specific connection to the EM, on the other hand, actions of irrational offenders are not calculable. The decision on long-term detention was made by a judge in each individual case, the Interior Ministry stated.

For those taken into long-term detention, a criminal procedure has been initiated or is still under investigation. Since the deprivation of liberty serves not for prosecution but for danger prevention, the amended new Police Law of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia applies accordingly, it was stated.

Herbert Reul, the head of the Interior Ministry in North Rhine-Westphalia, has emphasized the importance of addressing extremism in soccer fan culture during the European Football Championship. The CDU politician expressed concern over the potential for violent incidents and called for a strong presence of the police. In a related development, police in Düsseldorf arrested several individuals suspected of extremist activities related to the championship. Justice officials in North Rhine-Westphalia have stressed that the detention of these individuals is not related to the European Football Championship, but rather to ongoing investigations into their actions and potential threats to public safety.

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