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Foundation stone for "berlin modern" museum in February

Work on the Museum of the 20th Century in Berlin, now known as "berlin modern", is making progress. According to Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, the foundation stone for the building, which is currently estimated to cost almost half a billion euros, will be officially laid on...

The construction site of the Museum der Moderne next to the Neue Nationalgalerie (l).
The construction site of the Museum der Moderne next to the Neue Nationalgalerie (l).

Construction - Foundation stone for "berlin modern" museum in February

Work on the Museum of the 20th Century in Berlin, now known as "berlin modern", is making progress. According to Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, the foundation stone for the building, which is currently estimated to cost almost half a billion euros, will be officially laid on February 9. The seventh location of the Nationalgalerie Berlin at the Kulturforum not far from Potsdamer Platz in the heart of Berlin should be completed by 2027.

The museum is being built under federal direction directly between the buildings of the New National Gallery and the Philharmonie, which are celebrated as architectural icons. For a long time, the building was controversial due to its poor energy balance. Green politician Roth wants to make it a "role model for sustainability". To this end, the plans for the museum, which has been under construction since 2019, have been revised.

The huge access gates previously planned have been replaced by smaller entrances. The roof will have solar panels, which were previously rejected for aesthetic reasons. The surrounding area, which was previously largely covered in concrete, is to be extensively greened. The design and redesign are the work of Swiss architects Herzog & de Meuron, who also built the Elbphilharmonie concert hall in Hamburg, the Olympic Stadium in Beijing and the Allianz Arena in Munich.

The redesign will increase the cost of the federally financed building by almost ten million euros to a good 363 million euros. With index increases and risk costs, the financing adds up to around 450 million euros.

Info on the museum

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