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Former Wirecard CFO indicted

Together with the CEO, he had reported figures that were too high. According to the indictment, his actions caused the banks losses amounting to several hundred million euros.

There are now new tenants for the Wirecard building in Aschheim, Bavaria. But the aftermath of
There are now new tenants for the Wirecard building in Aschheim, Bavaria. But the aftermath of the former payment service provider is not yet over.

Crime - Former Wirecard CFO indicted

The Munich public prosecutor's office has now also brought charges against a former Wirecard CFO. One year after the start of the trial against the CEO Markus Braun, the public prosecutor's office also considers the former CFO to be guilty of commercial and gang fraud, market manipulation, misrepresentation and breach of trust. The 12th Commercial Criminal Chamber of the Munich Regional Court must decide whether to admit the charges and set a trial date, the public prosecutor's office announced.

The payment service provider Wirecard, which is listed on the leading DAX index, collapsed in summer 2020 because 1.9 billion euros in proceeds allegedly held in Southeast Asian escrow accounts could not be found. Former CEO Braun, who is in custody, and two co-defendants have been on trial at Munich Regional Court since December 2022 on suspicion of fraud with billions of euros in losses for the lending banks. Braun denies all allegations.

False annual financial statements signed

In its indictment, the public prosecutor's office accuses the former Wirecard CFO of faking group sales with Braun and others. The fictitious financial figures were intended to boost share prices and obtain bank loans. The accused, a predecessor of the fugitive Jan Marsalek, had signed the false annual financial statements for 2015 and 2016 as CFO. As a result of his actions, the banks suffered losses amounting to several hundred million euros.

After leaving the Group in 2018, he "continued to aid and abet the crimes of misrepresentation, market manipulation and commercial and gang fraud committed by the remaining gang members in 2018 by providing consulting services". In addition, he was guilty of breach of trust towards Wirecard AG by assuming a guarantee for a loan from Wirecard Bank through Wirecard AG.

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