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Former Volkswagen CEO, Winterkorn, to face trial in the diesel emissions scandal case.

The ex-CEO of VW, Winterkorn, is accused of holding a pivotal position in the diesel emissions scandal. Following prolonged postponements and health complications, the 77-year-old is now confronting a criminal court proceeding.

Winterkorn makes his court appearance at the local district court in Braunschweig
Winterkorn makes his court appearance at the local district court in Braunschweig

- Former Volkswagen CEO, Winterkorn, to face trial in the diesel emissions scandal case.

At the trial for the Volkswagen "Dieselgate" scandal, Martin Winterkorn, the previous CEO, makes an appearance at the Braunschweig Regional Court. He briefly steps into the courtroom to oblige photographers. The main charges against him include business deceit, market tampering, and perjury, being handled by the Economic Crimes Chamber.

There were concerns surrounding Winterkorn's participation in the trial due to his health concerns. On Tuesday morning, he appeared unwell and had a noticeable limp. Responding to queries about his health, he reassured, "I'm doing fine today."

A whopping 88 trial dates have been arranged for this lengthy court case, expected to conclude in September 2025. Originally intended to commence with the indictment reading, each indictment, comprising over 600 pages, would need approximately two hours each to present the fundamental points.**

The Dieselgate scandal was unveiled in September 2015, following investigations from U.S. environmental authorities and experts, leading to Winterkorn's resignation. He accepted political responsibility for the situation but insisted on his innocence regarding any criminal activities. Lawful presumption of innocence applies in this case.

Despite the complexity of the case, Germany remains the location of the trial due to Winterkorn's German nationality. Following the conclusion of the trial, Winterkorn may return to his hometown in Germany.

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