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Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad seeks reelection

Ultra-conservative and populist ex-president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is attempting to reenter politics. On Sunday, Ahmadinejad officially registered for the early presidential election scheduled to occur on June 28. This election was initially slated for 2025; however, it has been...

Ahmadinejad waves to the crowd after his registration
Ahmadinejad waves to the crowd after his registration

Former Iranian President Ahmadinejad seeks reelection

"I'm certain that all the country's issues can be resolved if we fully utilize the national capabilities," stated Ahmadinejad upon registering his candidacy at Tehran's Interior Ministry. He previously held the presidency from 2005 to 2013, serving for two terms. In both 2021 and 2017, he was barred from participating in the election.

In 2005, Ahmadinejad gained international attention for declaring that "Israel must be erased." He also deemed the Holocaust a "fable." His contentious re-election in 2009 sparked widespread, nationwide protests, resulting in the killing of many and the arrest of thousands.

Earlier, former Revolutionary Guards commander Vahid Haghanian had registered for presidential candidacy, aiming to succeed Raisi. Haghanian, already under US sanctions since 2019, attributed his role within the inner circle of Iran's spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for his exclusion.

"My choice to run is a personal one, but I'm well-acquainted with the country's challenges," expressed Haghanian. "Throughout my 45-year tenure in the Presidential Administration and the Office of the Supreme Leader, I've developed strong connections with significant figures in government institutions."

Meanwhile, the former parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani,seen as moderate in foreign affairs, announced his campaign on Friday. If victorious, he vowed to tackle US sanctions and boost Iran's economy as his primary objectives.

Additionally, Abdolnasser Hemmati, a reform-leaning former central bank governor, declared his candidacy the same day. He had participated in the 2021 election, finishing 3rd with 8.4% of the votes.

Extremist ex-nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili also expressed his desire to run for president.

Registration for presidential aspirants started on Thursday and continues until Monday. Following this period, the Guardian Council will review their eligibility, with a decision expected by June 11.

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