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Former head of the BND: "This is the hour for espionage and sabotage"

Suspicion of sabotage actions against the Bundeswehr has caused concern. The former president of the Federal Intelligence Service does not see any reason to panic.

- Former head of the BND: "This is the hour for espionage and sabotage"

Former President of the Federal Intelligence Service, Gerhard Schindler, warns against hysteria amid suspicions of sabotage** against the German Armed Forces. We must wait and see if the suspicion at the Air Force base in Cologne/Wahn is confirmed, Schindler said on Friday morning in the Deutschlandfunk. In a conflict like the Ukraine war, it's not just a military confrontation, but also an information war. "This is the hour for espionage and sabotage. Clearly, we must be more vigilant, but we should also be calm and not spread hysteria."

The former BND chief pointed out that critical infrastructure cannot be monitored and protected 100%. "And I'm not just talking about military installations, but also airports, and Deutsche Bahn facilities. They are kilometers of borders, kilometers of fences." But those responsible are aware of this and working to improve protection step by step.

Schindler emphasized that Russia sees sabotage as a module of warfare - "and if the military situation deteriorates, they have no hesitation in carrying out sabotage actions in Germany." Therefore, vigilance is necessary. "Passive protective measures" like fences or security checks are needed, but also active measures like counter-espionage or communication intelligence. "And here, we are a bit behind the curve."

Schindler expressed confidence that there is now political will for change. "If you had asked me two or three years ago, I would have said no," he said in response to a question. "Now, you can see that the 'zeitwende', although not dramatic, is working step by step, also in the minds of politicians." He sees Germany on a good path.

Schindler was President of the Federal Intelligence Service from 2012 to 2016 and now works as a business consultant. At the base in Cologne/Wahn, there is suspicion that the drinking water may have been contaminated. The evaluation of the relevant samples is still pending.

The increase in espionage activities becomes evident in conflict scenarios like the Ukraine war, making it crucial for nations to be more vigilant and enhance their counter-espionage measures. Russia view sabotage as a tactic in warfare and may resort to such actions in Germany if the military situation worsens, emphasizing the need for stronger active protective measures.

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