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Former girlfriend endures severe abuse; man receives suspended sentence

People walking by overhear a woman shouting for assistance. She's on a balcony located four stories up, fending off a guy who tries to hurl her to the ground. He takes her back into the flat and assaults her once more.

A sign on the façade of the Moabit criminal court in Turmstraße indicates the Tiergarten district...
A sign on the façade of the Moabit criminal court in Turmstraße indicates the Tiergarten district court.

Procedures - Former girlfriend endures severe abuse; man receives suspended sentence

Recently, a 27-year-old male faced the consequences of his actions when he was sentenced to two years of probation for causing bodily harm. This occurred two years after he had attacked his then-girlfriend. The case took place at the District Court of Tiergarten, where the man was deemed guilty of the crime on a Tuesday. He was also ordered to pay a hefty sum of 5,000 euros to the 22-year-old woman, his victim.

During this horrific incident, the man attempted to throw his former girlfriend over the railing of her balcony, which was located on the fourth floor. Moreover, he threatened to break her neck and even held a pair of scissors against her throat. However, despite these terrifying acts, the court believed that the man had backed away from attempting to murder her.

The unfortunate event took place three weeks after the couple's breakup in June 2022. The defendant, while under the influence of alcohol, met his ex-partner. The evening culminated in a violent encounter, which left the woman with cuts, bruises, and a cut on her hand. "She managed to emerge physically unscathed because she fought like a lioness," declared the presiding judge.

Despite the severe injuries inflicted on the woman, the psychological impact of the attack was considered more damaging. The court took this into account and reduced the culpability of the defendant. The man was a first-time offender and had sought professional help after the crime.

In the end, the prosecution submitted a request, which the court honored. The lawyer representing the defendant did not put forward any particular demands for punishment.

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