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Forest fire in Bohemian Switzerland: Suspect charged

A judicial officer stands in a
A judicial officer stands in a

Forest fire in Bohemian Switzerland: Suspect charged

Around a year and a quarter after a forest fire disaster in the Czech national park Bohemian Switzerland, the public prosecutor's office has brought charges against the suspected arsonist. He is accused of endangering the public and damaging property, a spokeswoman for the authorities in Usti nad Labem (Aussig an der Elbe) told the German Press Agency on Wednesday. Anyone who causes a danger to the life or limb of a large number of people or to other people's property on a large scale is liable to prosecution for endangering the public. The penal code provides for prison sentences of three to eight years, in particularly serious cases up to 15 years.

The fire broke out on July 23, 2022 not far from Hrensko. Around 1600 hectares of forest in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park were destroyed. The flames later spread to the neighboring Saxon Switzerland National Park on the German side of the border. The fire-fighting work was made more difficult by the inaccessible terrain of the rocky landscape on the Elbe and lasted almost a month in total. The damage to property was estimated at the equivalent of around 11.4 million euros. Some tourist destinations, such as the Edmundsklamm gorge, are still inaccessible today. Other sights such as the Prebisch Gate are accessible.

The suspected arsonist's alleged actions have raised concerns about criminal negligence towards nature's fragility, as forests are crucial for maintaining natural ecosystems and combating climate change. Despite the significant property damage and loss of 1600 hectares of forest, mandated authorities are now working to promote justice and prevent future fires, ensuring that arsonists face severe penalties.




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