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Forest conversion 2050: Coniferous tree population is reduced

As many deciduous trees are better adapted to the conditions in Brandenburg than pines, they are planted instead of conifers. Can such a mixed forest in the Mark defy climate change?

View of autumn-colored deciduous trees in a
View of autumn-colored deciduous trees in a

Forest conversion 2050: Coniferous tree population is reduced

Conifers are only to be cultivated in Brandenburg's forests by the state forestry company until 2050. This is according to a plan from the Ministry of the Environment, details of which have now been revealed for the first time following a question from the left-wing parliamentary group in the state parliament. From 2050 onwards, pines and spruces, for example, are only to regenerate naturally. The goal is a forest with a mixture of different deciduous and coniferous trees.

Brandenburg's forests cover an area of around 1.1 million hectares. According to the ministry, around 270,000 hectares of this is state forest. The remaining area is communal forest, owned by individuals, foundations, associations or churches. Since a corresponding cabinet decision in 1996, the Brandenburg state forest, which consists mainly of pine trees, has been successively converted. Around half of the state forest is already considered to be near-natural and adapted to the climate.

The aim of the Ministry of the Environment is to turn the pure pine forests into near-natural mixed forests by 2050. The annually converted forest area is to be increased to 1700 hectares from 2032. Currently, an area of around 1300 hectares is converted to mixed forest every year. From 2050, 2000 hectares of forest area are to be converted each year.

According to the recently presented "Forest Conversion 2050" guideline, numerous new fire-fighting wells are also to be built. The number of wells is to be increased from 366 last year to 416 in 2032 and expanded to 501 by 2050. According to the ministry's plans, more forest roads are also to be upgraded to allow fire departments to pass through.

The Ministry's plan aims to diversify Brandenburg's forests by 2050, reducing the dominance of conifers like pines and spruces. Instead, they envision a forest environment filled with a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, allowing nature to thrive in its natural diversity.

To prevent forest fires and support the transformation of coniferous forests, the Ministry plans to increase the number of fire-fighting wells from 366 to 501 by 2050, thereby enhancing nature's protection in the changing forest environment.


