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Foreign baby attacked? Defendant denies accusations

A mother sits on a bench at Berlin Main Station, holding her baby in her arms. Suddenly, a woman hits the baby on the head. The woman and other actions are now being dealt with in court.

A 59-year-old stands before the Berlin Regional Court after a series of crimes.
A 59-year-old stands before the Berlin Regional Court after a series of crimes.

Series of Crimes - Foreign baby attacked? Defendant denies accusations

A 59-year-old woman is standing trial at the Berlin Regional Court due to allegations of assaulting a foreign Baby and committing other offenses. The prosecution is charging her with grievous bodily harm and theft, among other things.

According to the indictment, several of the incidents occurred at Berlin Main Station. At this location, the 59-year-old allegedly struck a six-month-old baby "deliberately and forcefully" on the head with her hand. The baby reportedly suffered pain. The defendant denied the charges from five indictments at the outset of the trial. "That's all wrong," she said.

The 59-year-old is accused of committing various acts between March and the end of November 2023, including shoplifting. She resisted police officers who wanted to question her about a crime at the Main Station. On November 22, she allegedly approached a 21-year-old woman who was sitting on a bench and trying to give her child a bottle. The 59-year-old struck the woman without warning and continued on. In the station building, she is also accused of punching a woman in the head after unsuccessfully demanding a cigarette from her.

The possibility of committing her to a psychiatric hospital is under consideration.

The 59-year-old was arrested one day after the assault on the baby. After approximately six months in pre-trial detention, she was then temporarily housed in a so-called protective custody facility. During the trial, the question of whether to commit the defendant to a psychiatric hospital will also be addressed. The hearing will continue on July 31.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in Berlin is firmly pursuing justice for the alleged assault and other crimes committed by the accused woman.
  2. The court process for the 59-year-old woman, currently on trial, involves serious charges of bodily harm inflicted on a baby and acts of criminality at the Main Station.
  3. Ms. X, the defendant, vehemently denied the charges at the beginning of the trial at the Berlin Regional Court, maintaining that she was innocent of the alleged crimes, including causing harm to the baby and shoplifting.
  4. The concerns about the 59-year-old woman's mental state have led to the possibility of her being committed to a psychiatric hospital as part of the trial, in an attempt to ensure fairness and protect potential victims in the future.
  5. With the investigation ongoing and the trial continuing, the actions and sentencing of the accused will serve as a reminder of the importance of upholding justice and safety for Berlin's citizens, especially vulnerable individuals like children.

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