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Forecast: CDUClaims Victory in NRW Elections

In North Rhine-Westphalia, another tough election night for the SPD: the CDU is dominating the European elections, as they are elsewhere in the country.

A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.
A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.

Upcoming polls for European representation - Forecast: CDUClaims Victory in NRW Elections

In the recent European election projections by WDR, the CDU leads in the populous federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia with 30.8%, a slight improvement from their 2019 result of 27.9%. With this, they become the strongest force in the region.

The SPD follows closely with 17.5%, a decline from their 2019 result of 19.2%. Meanwhile, the AfD shows significant improvement in North Rhine-Westphalia, moving up to third place with 13.7%, surpassing their less-than-stellar 2019 result of 8.5%. However, they still fall behind the projected nationwide figures of 16.1%-16.4%.

The Greens, on the other hand, slip to fourth place in North Rhine-Westphalia with 12.5%, a major drop from their 2019 top result of 23.2%. The FDP trails with 6.1% (2019: 6.7), and the newly founded Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) takes the fifth spot with 4.5% in North Rhine-Westphalia. Interestingly, the BSW even exceeded the FDP's projected nationwide figures.

As for the voter turnout, projections predict a 63% percentage in North Rhine-Westphalia - up from the 2019's 61.4%. You can find more information about voter turnout and election results for the European elections in Germany through the Wahl-Dashboard IT.NRW and the state election officer in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Read also:

  1. The extrapolation of these trends suggests a potential CDU victory in the upcoming European elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is one of the largest European Union member states.
  2. Despite the CDU's strong performance in Düsseldorf, the Eurosceptic Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has also gained ground, making European elections in Europe an interesting contested battlefield.
  3. The CDU's success in the regional elections might also impact the European elections, as majority parties tend to perform well in both.
  4. The European elections in Germany marked a significant shift, with the traditionally strong parties, such as the CDU and SPD, experiencing fluctuation, while newcomers like the AfD and Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) gained prominence.
  5. The European elections in 2024 will be closely watched across Europe, as they might provide insights into the political landscape and voting trends in Germany and beyond.
  6. The strengthening of right-wing parties in European elections, such as the AfD, has raised concerns about the future of European integration and unity in the face of rising populism.

