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Forced prostitution and drug deals: biker trial ends

Five men are on trial in Constance for forced prostitution and drug trafficking. They are alleged to have acted as members of a rocker-like group. The verdict is now expected.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Constance - Forced prostitution and drug deals: biker trial ends

They are alleged to have forced women into prostitution and trafficked drugs on a large scale: The verdict against five men is expected today, Friday, at the Constance district court. They are alleged to have acted as suspected members of the United Tribuns group, which is banned in Germany. The men, aged between 23 and 33, are charged with human trafficking, among other things. The trial began in October under heightened security precautions.

The crimes committed by the Germans are alleged to have taken place between the end of 2020 and September 2022 in Villingen-Schwenningen (Black Forest-Baar district). Two defendants allegedly pretended to have a love affair with the young women and then used violence, drugs and threats to get them to prostitute themselves. The women were allegedly forced to hand over their earnings to the men.

In addition, four of the accused are said to have trafficked drugs on a large scale in the Villingen-Schwenningen area. The public prosecutor's office spoke of a large-scale trade in marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy, among other things.

The United Tribuns have been banned in Germany for more than a year. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) justified the nationwide ban on the grounds that completely uninvolved people were repeatedly endangered in disputes in the rocker milieu. The United Tribuns were founded by an ex-boxer in Villingen-Schwenningen in 2004.


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