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For the first time, Lower Saxony achieves climate neutrality in electricity production.

Lower Saxony is moving forward in the growth of renewable energy. In 2023, the state produced more electricity from wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower than it used, achieving climate neutrality for the electricity sector, as announced by Environment Minister Christian Meyer (Greens) during...

Wind turbines turning in a field.
Wind turbines turning in a field.

Power Source: A fresh perspective on obtaining energy - For the first time, Lower Saxony achieves climate neutrality in electricity production.

The minister stated, "Our success in this area is remarkable, considering that the Lingen nuclear plant ceased operations and we utilized 40% less coal." Anti-nuclear advocates were worried that the closure of the Lower Saxony nuclear plant in April 2023 would spark a surge in coal-burning. However, these concerns were unfounded since we managed to increase the usage of wind and solar energy substantially. Additionally, electricity consumption has substantially reduced.

"However, we still have a long way to go," the minister admitted. "There's a need for us to accelerate the growth of renewables even more, as we're still dependent on fossil fuel carriers in heat and transport sectors." With the advent of electric cars and heat pumps, the demand for electricity will also grow. As a result, we must boost electricity production from wind, solar, biomass, and hydroelectric sources even more.

Energy Transition Report 2023

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