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For the EU Parliament election: von der Leyen speaks in favor of E-Fuels

Before the vote in the European Parliament on a second term, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen spoke in favor of approving synthetic fuels for cars, also known as e-fuels. In the political guidelines she published on Thursday morning for the next five years, the CDU politician...

Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen

For the EU Parliament election: von der Leyen speaks in favor of E-Fuels

Regulation on the Car Emission Limits for Pkw includes a revision clause, suggesting a review of the plans in the year 2026. The FDP has been strongly advocating for the continued approval of combustion engines that run on so-called E-Fuels in the past few years. The Commission would need to propose a new vehicle category for this, which could happen during a second term of the Leyen's tenure.

The Members of the European Parliament are voting on a second term for Leyen in the early afternoon. Due to dissenters, including within her own faction, Leyen, who is 65 years old, needs the support of her European People's Party (EVP), Social Democrats and Liberals, as well as some votes from the Right-Wing faction.

  1. The FDP's push for the approval of E-Fuels in combustion engines has been a significant approach in their negotiations within the European Parliament.
  2. Prior to the authorization of E-Fuels, the European Union needs to lay down clear regulations regarding their production and emission standards.
  3. The revision clause in the Car Emission Limits Regulation provides an opportunity for the CDU and other parties to influence the term of office for discussions on E-Fuels.
  4. During the voting process for Leyen's second term, the FDP's position on E-Fuels could potentially be a deciding factor for some European Parliament members.
  5. Before the election of a new European Parliament President, Ursula von der Leyen's second term of office could include the introduction of a new category for vehicles that run on E-Fuels.
  6. If Leyen's second term is successful, it could provide a stable platform for the implementation of regulations surrounding E-Fuels and their impact on the European Union's carbon footprint.
  7. The European Union's stance on E-Fuels in combustion engines could significantly influence the voting patterns in the upcoming election for the European Parliament.
  8. The opinions of the Right-Wing faction, such as the CDU, on E-Fuels could impact their decision to lend support to Leyen's second term of office in the European Parliament.

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