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For less scrap in space: satellite brake sails tested

A new brake sail for satellites has been tested at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Bremen. The test on Monday was reportedly successful. It was deployed. The comparatively large sail called ADEO-L from the Munich-based space company HPS is to be tested in space in 2024. Braking sails are...

An ADEO-L sail from HPS is being tested at the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen.
An ADEO-L sail from HPS is being tested at the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen.

Space travel - For less scrap in space: satellite brake sails tested

A new brake sail for satellites has been tested at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Bremen. The test on Monday was reportedly successful. It was deployed. The comparatively large sail called ADEO-L from the Munich-based space company HPS is to be tested in space in 2024. Braking sails are intended to help reduce the amount of waste in space in future.

The background to this is that it can take decades for decommissioned satellites to burn up on re-entry into the atmosphere. Because these no longer needed missiles are a danger for functioning satellites and space travel, the process is to be accelerated. The sail works like a parachute, said Frank Hoffmann, Head of the HPS Brake Sail Department. It slows down the satellite, which therefore enters the atmosphere comparatively faster and burns up.

Hoffmann said that two HPS brake sails had already been deployed in space. Compared to ADEO-L, these were much smaller sails. DLR has been working with HPS on the development of these sails since 2015. According to the announcement, the ADEO-L should be available in large quantities in a few years' time.

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