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For EU Parliament Elections: Von der Leyen for E-Fuels and Industry Promotion

Before the vote in the European Parliament for a second term, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a change in transport and climate policy. In her politically published guidelines for the coming five years, the CDU politician announced a "targeted change" for the combustion...

Ursula von der Leyen
Ursula von der Leyen

For EU Parliament Elections: Von der Leyen for E-Fuels and Industry Promotion

Von der Leyen spoke in favor of approving synthetic fuels for cars, also called E-Fuels. To achieve climate goals, "a technology-neutral approach is necessary", she stressed. The regulation on the phase-out of petrol and diesel cars for cars contains a review clause, which provides for a review in 2026.

Above all, the FDP had advocated for continuing to allow internal combustion engines that run on such E-Fuels. The Commission must now make a proposal for a new vehicle category for this, which could happen during a second term for von der Leyen.

Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing (FDP) welcomed the announcement. "It was a mistake to one-sidedly focus only on electromobility", he declared on Thursday. He now expects von der Leyen in the coming years to "personally champion regulatory frameworks for E-Fuels-only vehicles".

Looking at the Greens, von der Leyen promised to uphold the fundamental goals of her flagship climate protection package, the Green Deal, from the previous legislative term. However, the focus is "entirely on creating the right conditions for businesses to achieve our common goals", according to the guidelines she published for the next mandate. Her European People's Party (EVP) had demanded such a realignment.

By 2040, von der Leyen aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 90% compared to 1990, an interim goal on the way to planned climate neutrality by 2050. The Commission intends to present a legislative proposal to the EU countries in the coming months.

For businesses, von der Leyen announced a legislative package for a "clean industry", which includes promoting renewable energies and thus "contributes to reducing energy costs". "We all know that structurally high energy prices undermine our competitiveness", she said, looking at the businesses. The Commission will also establish an EU fund that should free up additional funding for the transition to green energies.

For private households, energy costs should also decrease. Von der Leyen also wants to ensure more affordable housing and for the first time appoint an EU commissioner for this - one of the few concessions to the left in the European Parliament. "Europe is in a housing crisis, affecting people of all ages and families of all sizes", she said in Strasbourg.

The CDU politician also wants to support the competitiveness of European agriculture, which annually receives billions in EU funding. In the next version of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the "right balance" must be struck. "We must enable farmers to farm their land without excessive bureaucracy", it says in von der Leyen's political guidelines.

Members of the European Parliament are voting in the early afternoon for a second term for von der Leyen. Due to dissenters, including in her own faction, the 65-year-old relies on the support not only of her European People's Party (EVP) and the Social Democrats and Liberals, but also on votes from the Greens.

  1. In the EU Parliament, the debate on electromobility and E-Fuels has gained significant attention, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen advocating for the approval of synthetic fuels.
  2. The approach towards climate goals in Europe requires a technology-neutral strategy, as emphasized by von der Leyen to achieve these objectives.
  3. The provision for a review of the regulation on the phase-out of petrol and diesel cars in 2026 reflects the need for flexibility and potential course changes in the European Union's strategy.
  4. The FDP, a leading German political party, has advocated for maintaining Internal Combustion Engines that run on E-Fuels, urging the Commission to create a new vehicle category for these alternatives.
  5. During the term of office of Ursula von der Leyen, the Commission may propose a new category for E-Fuel vehicles, as per the FDP's demands.
  6. Volker Wissing, the German Transport Minister and FDP representative, has hoped for von der Leyen's personal involvement in establishing regulatory frameworks for E-Fuel-only vehicles.
  7. Prior to the upcoming EU Parliament elections, the CDU politician von der Leyen has pledged to uphold the fundamental goals of her Green Deal while focusing on creating favorable business conditions.
  8. The Greens, a significant European political force, have been appealed to by von der Leyen to uphold the Green Deal's fundamental goals, ensuring a smooth transition towards the EU's objectives.
  9. For private households and businesses, the Commission under von der Leyen aims to reduce energy costs and promote renewable energy sources, thereby enabling the competitiveness of both sectors.
  10. In the upcoming European Parliament election, von der Leyen is seeking a second term, with the support of various factions, including her European People's Party (EVP), the Social Democrats, Liberals, and the Greens, to continue leading the European Union's environmental and economic initiatives.

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