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Football Association in Bavaria aids those affected by floods

The Bavarian Football Association intends to aid flood-affected individuals. The BFV Social Foundation will supply 100,000 euros, which will be matched by the DFB.

Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube. After heavy rainfall, many places in Bavaria...
Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube. After heavy rainfall, many places in Bavaria continue to be flooded.

Catastrophic Events - Football Association in Bavaria aids those affected by floods

The Bavarian Football Association's (BFV) Social Foundation has established a 100,000 euro relief fund to assist football clubs impacted by the floods in the region. The DFV also plans to match this donation, bringing it to a total of 200,000 euros.

BFV treasurer and foundation board member Jürgen Faltenbacher commented, "Quick, non-bureaucratic and practical support is what people in our clubs require more than anything else." He emphasized that several clubs are now facing demise.

On the sidelines of the national team game between Germany and Ukraine in Nuremberg, the DFB provided quick aid. As per BFV president Christoph Kern, "Bernd Neuendorf and treasurer Stephan Grunwald didn't hesitate, and immediately doubled our foundation's 100,000 euro relief fund."

The disastrous floods in southern Germany have inflicted significant damage, with at least three lives lost in Bavaria.

The BFV Social Foundation, which was formed in 2012, has aided more than 500 individuals and clubs in the Bavarian football sphere over the past eleven years, with a total distribution of over 1.45 million euros.

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