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Following the flooding, some areas in Rudersberg remain powerless.

A sign with the words "Hochwasser" (flood) on it stands by the Danube.
A sign with the words "Hochwasser" (flood) on it stands by the Danube.

Torrential downpours lead to severe flooding. - Following the flooding, some areas in Rudersberg remain powerless.

Due to the floods in Rudersberg (Rems-Murr-District), some areas still have no electricity. According to a representative from the citizens' telephone service, the water supply has now stabilized. Currently, the boil water advisory is only in effect in certain places where residents can't boil water due to the lack of electricity. To help those affected, pallets full of water were distributed the previous day. Cleanup efforts continued without interruption. The Rems-Murr-District was the most severely hit by the recent floods in Baden-Württemberg. To give you an idea, many roads in Rudersberg were filled with water, mud, and trash. Fortunately, the high water situation in the district is improving.

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