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Following Sylt, similar racist incidents occurring in the south-west area.

In Überlingen and Korb, Baden-Württemberg, two separate instances of racist chanting have occurred, similar to the recent Sylt incident. A police spokesperson reported that in the lakeside town of Überlingen, two men allegedly sang right-wing extremist lyrics inspired by the song "L'amour...

The word police can be seen on a police vehicle.
The word police can be seen on a police vehicle.

Law enforcement authorities are currently investigating a crime. - Following Sylt, similar racist incidents occurring in the south-west area.

On Thursday, at the grill site in Korb, a confrontation took place that led to the ejection of two men, aged 25 and 31, by restaurant staff. Following this, a fight broke out in a nearby bar, drawing the attention of local law enforcement. The perpetrators, who were identified by witnesses, had alcohol levels of 1.5 and above two promilles.

Witnesses subsequently alerted the authorities to the performance of right-wing songs, specifically "L'Amour Toujours", during the altercation. Police officers tracked down four men and three women aged 19 to 27 at the scene. The State Protection has stepped in to investigate due to the alleged promotion of hatred.

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