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Floods pose a difficulty for the natural world.

Inundations pose a hazard not just to humans, but to animals as well; certain creatures that require water sometimes face difficulties during flooding.

A kingfisher sits on a branch above a ditch and looks out for small fish.
A kingfisher sits on a branch above a ditch and looks out for small fish.

Nature or Surroundings - Floods pose a difficulty for the natural world.

Natural habitat destroyed: Floods can have a devastating impact on wildlife in Thuringia, according to Marcus Orlamünder, a wildlife conservationist at Nabu Thuringia. "If floods occur in May or June, there are usually young animals that are currently born," he explains. Animals like deer, foxes, and even wild boars can typically evade the water and seek higher ground. However, beaver cubs are more vulnerable and may drown if the water suddenly rises or remains stagnant for an extended period.

Eagles at risk due to flooding: Floods can also be disastrous for nesting eagles, as Orlamünder points out. While adult eagles might be able to fly away from the water, their nests might still be lost. In the case of water hens, their nests may be washed away if the water surges through bridges - a common spot for them to build their homes.

Dangers in winter: Flooding can be especially harmful during the winter months, as many animals that hibernate underground are at risk. Orlamünder mentions ants, wild bees, field mice, hedgehogs, moles, amphibians, and reptiles as examples of ground-dwelling species that could perish in their dens. The German Wildlife Foundation notes that flooding can lead to the death of wild animals when they're unable to escape their underground shelters.

Creating storage space to mitigate flooding: Nabu and other nature conservation organizations have long advocated for increasing wetland areas along rivers and streams in order to create additional storage space for water. This way, floodwaters could be absorbed like a sponge and potentially prevent damage to cities or infrastructure. The rivers should ideally be allowed to flow freely through bends to mimic natural conditions.

Climate change and increased flooding: Experts believe that the frequency of extreme flooding events will increase due to climate change. This year, several flooding incidents have been reported in Germany, and regions in Thuringia have also been affected.

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