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Floods cause tense situation in certain areas of Bavaria; a third fatality reported.

Whilst Bavarian flood zones undergo cleanup efforts, higher waves are expected near the lower Danube. Sadly, another individual has lost their life in Bavaria.

Flood barriers and protective walls have been erected on the banks of the Danube.
Flood barriers and protective walls have been erected on the banks of the Danube.

Weather disturbance brings intense rain and winds. - Floods cause tense situation in certain areas of Bavaria; a third fatality reported.

In the midst of the flood in Bavaria, at least three people have lost their lives – the situation on the Danube continues to be critical. Clean-up work is taking place in certain areas of the state, while the water is escalating in other regions. Regensburg is undergoing "two days of extreme anxiety and concern," said Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer (SPD) during a visit from Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) on Tuesday. The previous day, the houses lining a Danube street had been evacuated due to swelling ground and imminent removal of protective barriers. Passau, the Three Rivers City, is also experiencing a disaster situation. The first row of houses in the old town is engulfed by floodwater.

No significant rain expected

The German Weather Service (DWD) offered hopeful news on Tuesday: little to no rainfall was anticipated. Per the Flood Information Service (HND), water levels at various Danube gauges were projected to reach their peaks by Wednesday at the latest. Levels between Kelheim and Passau are predicted to be above the warning level of 4. Despite sunny skies, no warnings could be issued, said Söder.

Tensions in Regensburg persist

Mayor Maltz-Schwarzfischer of Regensburg hopes that the protection measures built on the Danau islands will endure. Although the water level is less than in previous floods, the water flows more slowly. The groundwater levels of the Danau islands are "extremely wet," "swampy," reminiscent of "jelly." She emphasized that "the situation remains tense." The Danube's water level hasn't decreased.

Years of investments in flood protection

For years, the Free State has been investing in flood protection, proclaimed Söder and Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber in unison. They acknowledged Regensburg as "seasoned, professional, well-prepared." Nonetheless, the groundwater is now pressing against the facility anchors, making them "unstable." Therefore, they remain "on high alert" in anticipation of the forthcoming days, said Söder. "Our focus is on navigating the coming days effectively."

Appreciation for the city administration and emergency services

Söder, Glauber, and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) express gratitude toward Mayor Maltz-Schwarzfischer and the emergency responders for their commendable efforts. In response to demonstrations from some climate activists, Minister President Söder stated they "could assist with the clean-up."

Third death reported

A overall count of at least three deaths has been reported in the Bavarian flood tragedy. The Interior Ministry has declared a few missing.

In Markt Rettenbach (Landkreis Unterallgäu), a 57-year-old woman was submerged in her vehicle on Monday and later found deceased when her car navigated into a flooded section of state road despite a barrier. In Schrobenhausen, a 43-year-old woman passed away in her cellar on Saturday. A firefighter from Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm lost his life during a rescue operation, while another firefighter is still missing in Offingen, a Swabian town. The 22-year-old was accompanied by other emergency personnel in a boat when it capsized. The other rescuers successfully saved themselves.

Lower water levels at Danube tributaries

With the old town of Passau closed to traffic for residents, only residents are granted access. In Passau, where the Danube, Inn, and Ilz rivers merge, citizens are employing sandbags and wooden boards to shield their homes.

Water levels at the Danube tributaries subsided in the morning. The heavy rain on Monday caused temporary increases in water levels at the Isar and Inn. The Isar gauges in Landshut and Plattling stood at level 3, while gauges in Munich and Freising were at level 2. The Inn gauge in Passau was level 3, with a peak expected around midday.

Gawkers create difficulties for first responders

Spectators created difficulties for responders in certain locations. Multiple authorities urged residents not to enter closed areas, to steer clear of dams, and to heed the instructions issued by first responders. For instance, a woman swam in a flooded pedestrian underpass in Deggendorf on Monday evening.

The mayor of Regensburg urged people to avoid "disaster tourism." She spoke on Bavarian Radio, sending a message to people not to gather around and observe the ongoing work, as those performing the tasks need space to carry out their duties. Likewise, Passau's mayor, Jürgen Dupper (SPD), appealed to citizens to keep distance from the flooded area if they don't have any business there. If one hasn't got any work to do in the old town, he urged, it would be best to stay away.

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