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Flooding repercussions: Saarland administration deliberates on supplementary budget.

The costs of the "Whitsun floods" in Saarland have not been determined yet, but it's certain they'll be high. The government is discussing a supplementary budget to cover the damages. CDU members object to this proposal.

Die Elsässer Straße steht immer noch unter Wasser und ist für Fußgänger nicht passierbar....
Die Elsässer Straße steht immer noch unter Wasser und ist für Fußgänger nicht passierbar. Bewohner im überschwemmten Kleinblittersdorf werden mit Feuerwehr-Booten von ihren Häusern zum Einkaufsmarkt gebracht.

A catastrophic event caused by forces of nature. - Flooding repercussions: Saarland administration deliberates on supplementary budget.

Following a significant flood that occurred in Saarland recently, the country is expected to incur millions of dollars in expenses. "We are currently reviewing the requirement for a supplementary budget," said Saarland's Minister President Anke Rehlinger (SPD) in a statement to the state's parliament on Monday. This is likely to be accompanied by the declaration of an extraordinary emergency situation as a result of a natural disaster. There is no way to predict exactly how much damage has been done in Saarland, but it's clear that it will be in the millions.

Costs have accumulated as a result of the initial emergency precautions taken during the first few days. Aid will be provided to affected citizens, as well as money allocated for rebuilding public infrastructure and municipalities, as well as strengthening rescue teams and flood protection.

The CDU parliamentary group leader, Stephan Toscani, spoke out against the notion of a supplementary budget and urged Rehlinger to advocate for federal financial assistance. "We need the support of the federal government in this challenging situation," he said. Creating additional state debt is not, in Toscani's opinion, the correct course of action.

Rehlinger had previously stated during a special parliamentary session that there were ongoing discussions regarding how the federal government might aid Saarland. However, because there is still no complete damage assessment, it is impossible to provide any details. Toscani criticized this as a "defensive excuse."

Rehlinger pledged assistance to local authorities. A survey of each municipality's damages is currently underway. After their assessments have been made, it will be determined how they can be supported. The state will contribute up to 50% of the financial burden incurred by municipalities. Talks will be held with local authorities to develop a five to six million euro emergency plan from emergency funds. Toscani criticized this, saying that the money would have rightfully belonged to the municipalities and would be used elsewhere.

As of Thursday night, affected citizens in Saarland were able to submit applications for flood relief. "We will not leave anyone behind," said the head of government once more. Aid ranges from 1,000 euros in emergency assistance to up to 75,000 euros for significant damage to those who qualify under a hardship regulation.

Saarland plans to impose a mandatory insurance policy for natural disasters. This will be implemented at the next Minister President Conference on June 20, and a proposal will be filed with the Bundesrat on June 14. "I make it perfectly clear: We are now assuming major state costs to mitigate private damage because the Federal Justice Minister has not acted. I find this unacceptable."

The flood is known as the "Pentecost flood," and it's a first in Saarland's history. Since the "century flood" at the conclusion of 1993, Saarland has not experienced such large water masses. Saarland will continue to grapple with the repercussions of this "historical event" for a considerable amount of time.

Seven-eighths of the state's municipalities have developed flood and heavy rain preparedness concepts. Six municipalities have already completed their plans. "The events during the Pentecost weekend make it evident: We must be 100% prepared," said Rehlinger. Additionally, storm rain hazard maps are required in all municipalities, along with the designation of wetlands and the prevention of construction there. Finally, more funding is needed for the installation of technical flood protection facilities.

During the extended Pentecost weekend, people in Saarland battled floods and flooding for several days. Heavy rainfall resulted in flooding, landslides, and overwhelmed streets and cellars. A 67-year-old woman passed away as a result of a high water rescue operation in Saarbrücken.

There were more than 5000 police, fire department, and aid organization operations. Over 10000 rescue personnel and volunteers were enlisted. "Our Saarland solidarity has passed the test of water," said Rehlinger. She also thanked helpers from Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, and Bavaria, who arrived with their forces - and the solidarity from France and Luxembourg.

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