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Flooding: District Günzburg Announces Disaster Status

The flooding crisis in western Bavaria is worsening, prompting the first district to announce an emergency to respond effectively.

A small path on the banks of the Isar is washed over by the water.
A small path on the banks of the Isar is washed over by the water.

Precipitation occurs - Flooding: District Günzburg Announces Disaster Status

Due to the non-stop heavy rain and the potential occurrence of floods, the district of Günzburg in Swabia proclaimed a state of emergency on Friday night. The objective is to improve assistance to the possible impacted cities and municipalities, the district administration reported. For this reason, emergency services from the entire district are required.

In the preliminary stage, leisure spots and camping sites located along the rivers Günz, Kammel, and Mindel must be cleared by evening. "We view this circumstance very seriously," said District Administrator Hans Reichhart (CSU). "We want to utilize the time we still have before the flood enters the district of Günzburg."

The district of Günzburg has prepared 15,000 additional sandbags as a temporary measure. The district is working closely with the municipalities, local fire services, and the THW.

The Water Management Office cautioned of flooding in the district of Günzburg on Friday morning. Expected are water levels of alert level 3 to 4. In some spots, a flooding comparable to that of a hundred-year event could happen. The town of Leipheim shut down its Danube waterworks for security reasons.

The authorities urged people to steer clear of water bodies and obey the instructions and barriers of the crisis services. In the affected zones, power interruptions might also occur. It will be advised to have enough supplies of food, not to stay in the cellar, and to turn off electric devices in rooms that could be flooded.

For vast parts of Bavaria, continuous rain is predicted to continue until Sunday. Swabia and Upper Bavaria, in particular, are being targeted. The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued weather alarms for both administrative districts. It is foreseen with "extremely heavy continuous rain" of level 4 (out of 4).

Because of the heavy flooding and high water levels, landslides, and sections that are inaccessible or surrounded by water masses, there is a "substantial risk to life and limb." In Franconia and vast parts of the Upper Palatinate, heavy rain with thunderstorms on Saturday are due, according to the DWD's Friday declaration.

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