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Flooding Crisis: Söder Seeks Financial Support from the Federal Government

Regarding the critical flood conditions in Bavaria, Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) anticipates financial assistance from the federal government for the affected areas. Söder stated on Sunday in Reichertshofen, a heavily flooded region in Bavaria, that he "hopes for the federal...

Flooded road in Reichertshofen
Flooded road in Reichertshofen

Flooding Crisis: Söder Seeks Financial Support from the Federal Government

The head of CSU highlighted how Bavaria had previously stood by other federal states and expressed hope that the same support would be reciprocated now. The primary focus should be on ensuring the stability of the dikes in flood-affected regions and getting supplies to the places in need.

On Sunday, Söder, accompanied by Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU), visited Reichertshofen, an Upper Bavarian town in the Pfaffenhofen district. The area was hit hard by the floods, with a firefighter having died during a rescue operation the previous night. "This is truly a disaster and a catastrophe," said Söder. In these challenging times, it's crucial to "lend a helping hand where help can make a difference," insisted Habeck.

Since the start of the flood crisis in Bavaria, around 40,000 responders from fire departments, police, the German Red Cross, Technical Relief Organization, and the Bundeswehr have been performing their duties. It's essential to ensure these teams can be replaced promptly, as the longer they work, the higher the chances of mistakes, mentioned Söder.

Economics Minister Habeck advocated for increased climate protection measures after the current flood situation in southern Germany is addressed. "The containment of CO2 emissions, allowing us ample time to adjust, should not be mocked or disregarded but stands as our highest priority," Habeck stated. Moreover, he emphasized that the frequency of natural disasters is a clear indication that "centuries' worth of floods" now occur "every few years."

Söder suggested discussing personal liability insurance at the upcoming minister conference on June 20 between the federal government and the states. "This insurance would possibly be the most significant step to safeguard each individual," explained Söder.

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