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Flooding alerts issued for Saxon river basins

Anticipating the intense rainfall predicted for Saxony from Friday night, preliminary flood alerts have been issued for the Upper White Elster, the Mulde, and the tributaries of the Upper Elbe. The spokesperson from the State Office for Environment, Agriculture, and Geology (LfULG) stated that...

A flood sign stands next to a flooded field.
A flood sign stands next to a flooded field.

Climate Conditions - Flooding alerts issued for Saxon river basins

It's tough to predict how the river situations will evolve over the weekend because of the inconsistencies in the weather predictions and the dispersed rainfall amounts, according to the LfULG spokesperson. If there's more than 100 liters of rain per meter squared and it's intense, there's a possibility that level 4, the highest alarm level, could be exceeded.

At the moment, the flood control center's attention is in South and West Saxony, but the area around the Ore Mountains and along the Upper Elbe could be affected as well. There's a likelihood of significant rain with persistent storms, which could result in heavy "high intensity" flooding, especially on smaller rivers. However, larger rivers may also experience flooding in the coming weeks.

The authorities advise people to steer clear of swelling rivers and not enter cellars, garages, or underground parking lots during torrential rain. Flooded areas should be avoided, even if the water levels seem low, because people can be swept away and cars can become deadly traps.

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